Come to class to learn and gain a certificate of training in PMI-ACP knowledge or come to class to take the PMI-ACP Exam. You will need to qualify to take the exam. However, if you don't qualify now, use the knowledge to help you become part of an agile project team and take your test another time. We have an Agile Review to help you accomplish that. If you don't understand whether you have enough agile team experience, then send your resume to for review.
Join us now, and you'll be glad you did. Great instructor who is experienced as an Agile Practitioner, Enterprise Architect and Program Manager and more. See all details. See Testimonials
SmartPath LLC is a Global Registered Education Provider* (R.E.P.) # 3441, of PMI's R.E.P. Program.
Provider is a member of PMI's R.E.P. Program and PMI does not specifically endorse, approve, or warrant R.E.Ps products, courses, publications or services."
CAPM, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, PgMP, PfMP, PMI, and PMBOK, are the registered marks of
the Project Management Institute, Inc.