The last day to take the current V6 PMP exam is 12/15/2019. If you will be a new SmartPath LLC trainee, you should know that we have loyalty programs for our customers. Join our PMP Certification training with Prep training and get thorough exposure to everything you need to know in order to pass the PMP Exam, along with the best of support. This class is on sale for $1,295, for 100% Live Online using your computer. It is $405 less than an onsite training. We have already scheduled our training through 2020. You will have lots of support from SmartPath LLC. Our instructor, Mo Haque, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, CMfgT, EDMP, is an expert in the field. Rarely do trainees have the opportunity to train from such an experienced professional.
If you are already a SmartPath LLC trainee, wanting to take the V6 exam, now is the time to plan your actions. Assess whether you have free re-sitting that's still available. If so, refresh yourself. If not, consider a loyalty retraining. If you are a SmartPath LLC trainee from V3 to V5 exam classes, how can you benefit? You have the two options available from the loyalty retraining. However, if you still need to take the V7 exam after purchasing a loyalty retraining, then you can just purchase the new materials to bring you up to date. The new V7 PMP exam starts 12/16/2019. Classes begin in early November, 2019.
We understand that life can get in your way. This is precisely why we offer loyalty programs. Call or text Nereda Haque, PMP at 360-584-8614 if you have further questions.