The PMP Exam is about how well you are able to apply your knowledge by answering a psychometric exam, an exam that demonstrates PM behavior. Our exam practice questions will provide ample practice opportunity providing 2,043 questions, detailing situations and information that require you to apply reasoning, logic and cognitive thinking in order to answer them. This is the practice that you need to complete in order to pass.
See PMP class details that provides information about our materials, guarantees and more, as well as our testimonials. We have trained thousands of PMs. Get the training you deserve. Our world class training program provides everything you need to know to pass the exam, plus the necessary practice, and two coaches who can answer your questions while learning, over the phone or via email. The materials, a 30-day quiz subscription, 4 days of training, very experienced instructors who are qualified to answer your questions during your 4 days of training, resitting should you require it for up to 6 months, and 2 coaches to answer your questions while studying, all come with your package, and even a third exam payment if you meet compliance. We expect 96% to 98% of you to pass the first time. (See all details of our guarantees.) Resitting is very helpful for trainees who have a lot of gaps and require more time to learn.
For those customers needing the class for their 35 hours of project management training, we go over the PMP application in class and show you how to do it, using our materials for guidance and review it for you before you submit it. Join our PMP Certification with Exam Prep in Washington, DC now. You'll be so glad you did. For all options, including Bellevue-Seattle, government pricing, click here.
* "Provider is a member of PMI's R.E.P. Program and PMI does not specifically endorse, approve, or warrant R.E.Ps products, courses, publications or services." PMP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.